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flaskextinguisher OP t1_ixpl4m7 wrote

Fair enough. I may see about getting it looked at by a doctor. I've never had a black eye before though so I don't know what to expect. Do you think it's going to get any worse?


LilKoshka t1_ixpoz57 wrote

I've had black eyes and none of them were this bad. I'd be seeing a doctor if this were me. Mostly to just ensure deeper damage wasn't done and because I'd worry that the swelling could cause damage itself. I'm not a doctor so I'm not sure how much this area of the body can really handle. But when it comes to my eyesight, I'm not taking any chances.

Best of luck friend.


flaskextinguisher OP t1_ixpqnpo wrote

Yeah, I think I'll go see a doctor in the morning. It's pretty late here and depending on how bad it looks and/or feels, I'll definitely go.


FastestCheeseSlinger t1_ixras6y wrote

Ive had black eyes, nothing this bad though, personally I wouldn't see a doctor it may go away in a week or so, but obv a doctor can't hurt.