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gellenburg t1_ix00o1u wrote

As someone who has worked in IT for over 30 years that was not your fuck up in the slightest.

Not even by a longshot.

100% on your boss.

He knew you were inexperienced and he told you to do something you were wholesale unqualified or prepared to do.

But the real fuckup is the CIO, CTO, CFO, and CEO for not having a disaster recovery or business continuity plan.

Good riddance.


BikerJedi OP t1_ix0demc wrote

Yeah - as I later became a network engineer, I used it as a learning experience. When I became a manager, I made sure I showed my people how to do shit and never "tested" them this way.

It did absolutely amaze me that a single server was that critical to the business. Even the smallest company I worked for had several backups.