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Leadbellystu t1_iwy157p wrote

If you really think your drink got spiked, go to the hospital and tell them and get a tox screen / drug panel whatever done. If something shows up, you can actually use your otherwise very hard to believe story.

Otherwise, you just got drunk and showed your true colors.

Best of luck and I hope you can reflect instead of being defensive as might be one's immediate reaction to the onslaught of negative, yet honest and accurate, comments here — all of which essentially boil down to "you're an asshole."

But remember, people aren't words. You're not an asshole. You just acted like one and perhaps continue to act in an assholian manner. People change. I would look at this as an opportunity to audit yourself, what you want, who you want to be, and how to become the good person you otherwise think — perhaps incorrectly — that you are today.


Harry_Gorilla t1_iwy1max wrote

Ooh yes: do this. Get that tox screen. You might could save the relationship with verified proof that you were not in your right mind


licalier OP t1_iwy4vvr wrote

The reason I think my drink got spiked is that I haven't touched alcohol since 1st year of uni. I only ever drink water or whatever else non-alcoholic options are available.


And yes. I'm well aware I was a right ass last night. The thing is I have no idea how the hell I'm going to apologise as she doesn't even want to talk to me. I also have no idea how the F I'm going to explain the problem I have as that part is actually true. Lying to her at this point to make her feel better feels scummy but then... Been thinking about this for the last few hours and I'm not getting anywhere.


Useful_Experience423 t1_iwyltls wrote

Hang on - hold the press - this is extremely relevant!!

You’re a non drinker and your ‘friends’ had no issue, problem or concern about you stumbling around drunk, making speeches and doing stand up that wrecked your relationship?? If (whilst regaling you with stories of your exploits), no one mentioned how out of character it was for you, or that they tried getting you to sleep it off, I think you just found out who spiked you. Sorry dude.

ETA: Get that tox screen and press charges on whoever spiked you, even if it was just with alcohol.