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RealFakeLlama t1_iwzb11w wrote

U f ed up. Multiple times.

First. If u have trauma from high school drama queen hotties, go get help. It might not cure the little bastard between your legs, but it will help with coming to terms with it so u 1 have a language about your inner feeling to express to future SOs and 2 could help you getting past it so it doest pop up and becomes an issue in suddenly, like at a party where u are way to drunk or doped. And having such a language for whats happening inside of you means you can talk to SO befre shit like this happens so she would be more understanding IF it pops its ugly head up.

Second. You picked some bad friends, if u think there is a chance they spiked your drink. Where ever u stand on drugs (banned or regulated or compleatly legal) any1 should have the right to deside what goes into their own bodies- spiking ppls drinks is an offence that takes away ppls bodily autority. I dont do drugs anymore, it makes me realy sick. I would lose my shit if any of my friends snuk drugs into me. They can be as doped as they want, but im not gonna let even a microgram into me, as it makes me seriois psykotic. My body, my rules. And I wouldnt consider them friends if they had so little respekt for me as to let me keep my head and mental health away from drugs like spiking my drink.

Third. Bad joke. Ofcourse your (x)gf got mad. I would too. Its basicly a dis of her. But if u had dealt with first and second fuck up before there would be a fair chance she would calm down. Not dealing with thise issues, i say its a 50-50 for u to break up or get past it.