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BeAwaretv t1_iy5u456 wrote

Look up borderline personality disorder. This behavior seems to match it almost perfectly. You're only 14, there will be other girls and other situations like this in the future and if you don't get a good grip on your emotions early, itll lead to a life of repeat situations where it seems like you always fuck things up because you're afraid of being alone. It sucks because it'll feel like you're alone, strictly because you're afraid of being alone.


hhseem t1_iy5usva wrote

Keep hitting females and see how far you get in life. Absolutely disgusting behavior.


zoronoa24 t1_iy61nfx wrote

Control your emotions, don't let them control you. Break life down into moments, every moment you make choices, and every choice you make tells you who you are. Most of the choices we make are the ones we see others make in similar situations or whenever they feel a similar emotions. Ask yourself what kind of person do you want to be, and how would this person act?


Papalazarou79 t1_iy62txi wrote

C'mon... You're 14... You've learned not be a dick. It's a good thing you are aware of your behavior now. But that's what you do in your teens. You fuck up and then realize you fucked up.

Now comes the part where you move on, lesson learned and remind it! And from now on, do keep your hands to yourself!