I realize the title sounds weird. Snapshot is an app provided by my insurance company. The app tracks my behavior while driving and then adjusts my premiums according to the average score. I’m a relatively safe driver so I figured I could save money once they see my driving behavior. The app tracks the behavior over several months and then gives you a grade from A to F.
The app tracks your mileage, speed, hard braking, GPS, and phone usage.
What I didn’t consider was that I drive with my daughter a lot of times and I allow her to play video games or watch YouTube videos on my phone while we drive.
I got a score of a C - today. They informed me through email they will raise my rates next billing cycle because I’m “always on my phone while driving.”
TL:DR my insurance app tracks my behavior and my premiums are determined by my behavior while driving. They think I’m always on my phone while driving even though it’s my 6 year old daughter who is on it watching videos or playing games.