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bunnybuddy7 t1_j19b912 wrote

Not a fuck up. As a women if I asked to show a guy a tattoo that close to my booty I would be angling for more personally. Also she absolutely felt you touch her boob. But you are probably due for a convo with her. You should be very proud of your respect and ensuring not to cross boundaries and respect her personal space. It is great to know young people are more knowledgeable of cosent. Now like others have said in actually life its not always a exact yes or no when it comes to engaging in sexual behavior. In most cases it rolled out exactly how you said it did, are you comfortable, are you okay with this, please stop me if you don't like it.


throwaway20029188818 OP t1_j19lx9w wrote

Ok thanks for giving a female's view on things. I know you don't speak on behalf of all women but it helps.


DcikHurtzer t1_j1b8yjz wrote

From my experience this person laid it out very well. I’m a male and older. Always be gentle and caring unless they ask you to not be. You’re young enough that you’re going to have more awkward experiences. Enjoy them because later you’ll look back fondly on all of them. I can promise you this.


throwaway20029188818 OP t1_j1cx4ec wrote

So not moving too quickly was a good option here? And I kinda played things out in the best way?


DcikHurtzer t1_j1deq6b wrote

Pretty much. It’s complex. You will learn as you go. Sometimes it’s unspoken agreement. Kinda like her showing that tattoo. That was a slight invitation allowing more at a slow pace. Again it’s difficult but you will figure it out as you experience more with others. It would be worth it to talk to her but be soft with the conversation as to not make her feel cornered. She seems Into you. Don’t be scared but be cautious and caring.


throwaway20029188818 OP t1_j1deuqi wrote

Ok thanks for all the advice.


DcikHurtzer t1_j1dffqp wrote

I should add as I was growing up I found out some woman love boob massages. Yes I know it seems like “omg this is real! There is a god!”