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Melodic-Spite-5918 OP t1_j1ro63m wrote

I would just get some mild charges for this (it's pretty fucked tbh, there should be a more sever punishment imo) and again, I'm genuinely worried that it would draw attention to her and put her in another situation she is not comfortable in. I don't want to burden her with it but at the same time I don't want to make any more decisions that effect her in any way without clear feedback from her ever again, be it compensation through the legal system or anything else. I'm scared shitless that it's gonna be the wrong decision.


mall_goth420 t1_j1rogn5 wrote

So you get to traumatize her and go away scot free? You’re a rapist.


Melodic-Spite-5918 OP t1_j1rq3mr wrote

I don't want to go away scot free, I really do not. And I am thinking about turning myself in. I don't mind having to pay charges, I am fine with getting an entry in my criminal records for this and I am also willing to tell my family and friends about this as soon as I am ready to, which I am moving towards. I'm so afraid of causing any more harm, of making her relive it again. You don't have to tell me that I deserve punishment, that's not the part I'm questioning, it's really really not. But do you truly believe that it would be in her best interest? Because if so, I want to do it. I want to do whatever I can. I'm just not sure about anything anymore is all


mall_goth420 t1_j1rqauj wrote

Generally speaking, it’s in everybody’s best interest for a rapist to be held accountable and actually get punishment yeah