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yax51 OP t1_j1p2xu1 wrote

Thanks. The realization of what happened is hitting me now, and I'm barely hanging on.

As for the finances, they will get better soon. Just started a new job (that is almost double what I was making previously) and haven't got a full paycheck yet.


MyDadBod_2021 t1_j1p35c8 wrote

>The realization of what happened is hitting me now, and I'm barely hanging on.

You made it out ok. Car might not be fine, but at least your wife and kids are. Good luck!


WadeStockdale t1_j1p7g95 wrote

You and your family are okay. Might wanna talk to your wife about some family therapy to deal with anxiety in you, her and the kids before it becomes A Thing.

If the car is damaged, well, cars are ultimately replaceable. You and your loved ones can't be fixed or replaced.

Good to hear things are looking up financially, and very good to hear you all came out physically okay.


patriickz t1_j1pnjb4 wrote

So you lived paycheck to paycheck which is also not good 😜


xolana_ t1_j1q21sa wrote

?? When you’re on a low income and have bills and kids to pay for…you literally have no other option. I speak as someone on a pretty low income saving/investing 60% of my paycheck. I realise my privilege as I don’t pay rent/bills. If I did I’d be homeless. Not everyone can afford an emergency fund.