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Candid_Zebra265 OP t1_j2bkxzc wrote

Would love to post pictures, my hands are a deep DEEP magenta all over 😅


_alaskaa t1_j2blm27 wrote

That’s hilarious. I wish I could see that.


20MMS07 t1_j2d6ixk wrote

Don't add fuel to the fire


_alaskaa t1_j2dgr6e wrote

I didn’t mean that in a bad way bruh. I feel for them.


Aa8aa8 t1_j2dg6rb wrote

You know, people are worried about themselves much more than they are concerned about you. If you don’t make it a big deal, it will pull the gas out of the fire. If one or two people laugh, good for them, maybe they needed that. Just go along with it.