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XavierHigdon t1_j1q5v89 wrote

You kind of are a brat. All families are politically divided. It's really unhealthy that you see this as a problem. His family doesn't like to argue, they simply care enough about each other to share differing opinions. You're also in for a rude awakening if you ever want to throw a get together and then expect guests to work in the kitchen.

You just need to grow up.


Jimmy9toes1966 t1_j1qc8ky wrote

Wow, sounds like your family is as effed up as his. She had every right to leave and glad that she did. Dump his ass and find someone better.


XavierHigdon t1_j1qcvt9 wrote

Ahaha, you're funny. My family is fucked up because we all get along even though we have different politics and none of us attack each other for the way we vote? Dude, that's some funny shit.


Jimmy9toes1966 t1_j1qd9kx wrote

Just because you’re okay with how your family acts like that does not mean it’s okay for his family to treat her like that.


XavierHigdon t1_j1qean6 wrote

lmao, dude, his family didn't treat her poorly. Talking about politics is only a problem if the people involved are psychopaths who think voting for one politician over another politician makes them the good guy. Normal people discuss politics all the time without getting angry. The problem is her.


Jimmy9toes1966 t1_j1qehvz wrote

They were obviously baiting her to argue and demean her. Normal families don’t talk politics at Christmas unless they are trying to pick fights. I think you and your family need therapy.


XavierHigdon t1_j1qexnm wrote

wtf? Dude, you've got issues. Asking her questions isn't baiting her. And my family doesn't fight over politics. We're not delusional idiots who think Nancy Pelosi and Donald Trump are our saviors lol. We're normal people who recognize that we need a government. We disagree on what form that government should take, but we do agree that its current form isn't good. I'm sorry that your family is too dysfunctional, and maybe just too dumb, to discuss politics without getting angry over nothing.


SociallyUnconscious t1_j1qdywn wrote

Guess we found OPs bf.


XavierHigdon t1_j1qegy6 wrote

She was never my girlfriend. Me and the boys were gonna run a train on her, but she left before the caboose came.