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Hot_Supermarket4369 OP t1_j1y34l3 wrote

Oh my god… I would love to know what thought process led you to mouth wash as the solution here. But I have onion vagina so I guess I’m in no place to judge right now


aussie_nub t1_j1y3vmf wrote

The problem was that he wasn't thinking.

Seriously, putting something like that near your balls takes some serious non-thinking.


Fatassgecko t1_j1ydf0z wrote

Improvisation with whatever tools I have

The thought process goes as follow:

What cause jock itch?

Warm and moisture= fungus infection

Does it mean I could cure it fast with disinfectant?

What tools do I have that disinfect stuff?





Than I remembered someone had a blowjob, with a cooling effect blow job, I suspected it's either mouthwash or ice water.

But it's itching bad, so mouthwash is the way I choosed to be dead inside.