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jraschke11 t1_j2eiiol wrote

I don't know why you would want to have kids in your late 30s. You'll be a senior citizen when they are grown up.


gutsyredhead t1_j2elxxj wrote

Thanks random redditor! Well, I guess you'll never know 🤷


devourcupcakes t1_j2eshxq wrote

Don't listen to them. Both my great grandma, and grandma had kids in their late 30s/ early 40s. Some of my uncles had kids in their 40s, my mom and dad had kids in their 30s. You wont be a senior, my uncles kids are almost adults now and I don't look at him as a senior at all. If I have kids I'll also want it to be in my 30s. Enjoy your family ❤


Gembeany t1_j2f4457 wrote

Dad was 40 when I was born. I’m 27, so he’s only 67. Hardly a senior citizen, he’s in better shape than I am!


diffyqgirl t1_j2f98rm wrote

My parents had me in their late thirties.

Sometimes I'm a little sad that I won't have as much time with them as I would if they'd had me when I was younger.

But it was the right choice for them, and ultimately better for me. They were stable in their thirties in a way they weren't in their 20s. If I'd been born earlier they would have had to take care of me in grad school and we would have had to move every few years. And there would have been a huge financial strain. My mother probably would have had to give up her career, which would have been hugely unfair to her. I'm glad that I didn't cause them so much stress and problems, and I'm sure my childhood was better for it.