Submitted by lesbiandaughterinlaw t3_zyzxdl in tifu

I woke up and rolled over to see a head on my bed. It's my fiancée, her eyes bloodshot, blood leaking from the corner of her mouth. Blood was pooling where the neck has been severed.

I screamed and kicked out, and my foot connected with the head. Her head rolled off the bed, the last of her hair slowly sliding off the bed after it.

I began to cry and shout for her, desparate to prove this was a night terror, but there was no answer. I threw myself under my blankets and my phone caught my eye. I called her, no answer.

I started to sob harder, when I heard the door open. My fiancée came rushing in and turned the light on. She walked right over where the head would've been if it was real, proving to me that it was all a figment of my imagination.

She held my head as I sobbed into her chest and tried to shake the image of her severed head lying there, bloody, on my bed. But what did I kick?

TL;DR - I had a hypnopompic hallucination of my fiancée's severed head on my bed



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Lined_the_Street t1_j28vgcm wrote

If this is true please go see a professional ASAP. This could be a sign of a serious illness either physical or mental. Might be best to make appoints with both a psychologist and a neurologist or at least your general doctor.


benwill369 t1_j28w95y wrote

This is definitely an overblown response. Hallucinations upon waking up happen to over 10-12% of people and seeing a visual hallucination only reinforces the normality. OP take this with a grain of salt and take comfort that alarming hallucinations upon waking up are extremely common.


benwill369 t1_j28wih0 wrote

Even by personal experience, I’ve woken up to the vision of my mother repeatedly slamming my door shut in a terrifying way only to realize it was a horrifying hallucination. This is normal, think of it as your dreams “blending in” with reality upon waking.