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Doe966 t1_j1twyfv wrote

In my grocery store, you would be fired, as it is against company policy to follow a shoplifter out of the store. I doubt the shoplifter will call and complain, but I wouldn’t report the injury.


staterho OP t1_j1txjov wrote

Our policy doesn’t stop managers from stopping shoplifters so I’m okay there. If it was against policy I wouldn’t have done it. There are a couple other male managers who habitually chase down and catch shoplifters outside the store. Regardless, I won’t be reporting an injury


GoreDeathKilll t1_j1v8ndc wrote

That’s wild to think people actually chase shoplifters. Just report it your company has insurance for this reason. They are not losing money off what’s being lifted, I promise you.

Plus you could have lost your life over a liquor bottle. Maybe you hurt him in the process as well and they be in a well enough standing to press charges as you would not be protected by your position.


vancemark00 t1_j1wiljo wrote

"They are not losing money off what's being lifted, I promise you."

Really, you think the store is filing an insurance claim every time a $30 handle is stolen? LMAO. What do you think the average store's deductible per event is?

In reality you get the pleasure of paying for that handle by paying a little bit extra every time you shop.


tigolex t1_j1w3j39 wrote

lmfao you think their insurance covers a stolen liquor bottle? It does not. More likely, it will come up as a shortage at physical inventory time and depending on the business, a portion of it may indirectly come out of the managers pay.

Insurance for loss due to theft isn't going to kick in until several hundred dollars minimum, likely several thousand.


shoulda-known-better t1_j1xqnxx wrote

Babe as a fellow lady who can hold her own..... whatever your making.... it's not worth getting shot over! Glad your safe


tangleduplife t1_j1wo3vs wrote

Except you could get charged with assault and the company sued for the guy's injuries. I have no idea if he would win and it isn't really fair, but it's still too much risk. Your well-being isn't worth trading for a bottle of booze - not even your own bottle. The cost of litigation isn't worth it to your company. Irresponsible move.


sadgirlintheworld t1_j1wx1lw wrote

It’s gotta be against policy to slam Someone’s head into a pillar. This is sick- shoplifting is one thing- but you went for assault- this could have ended way worse. I suggest you talk to someone about your frustrations and anger at work. Even stinky homeless alcoholics (which is what I Imagined this person was) don’t deserve this kind of aggression. What the f?


tk8398 t1_j1wz1ei wrote

Eh, I wouldn't have done it but he had the option of not hitting her in the head with the bottle too, kinda falls under fuck around and find out imo.


staterho OP t1_j1xj4nj wrote

In what way is defending myself sick? He swung a huge bottle at my head and I’m lucky I didn’t pass out from the hit. This man was physically aggressive toward me and I fought back so he didn’t continue harming me. Obviously I recognized I fucked up by going after him, which is why I posted this under this sub!! I realize it was a mistake!! No shit!! But, under no circumstance, am I going to allow a man, or anyone for that matter, attack me without getting some kind of attack thrown back at them


GoreDeathKilll t1_j1yux92 wrote

But you attacked them at that point by being a vigilante. You were not attacked.


Yabezdelnik t1_j1xo8zg wrote

Low quality bait but you did give me a laugh 👍