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alt0bs OP t1_j4d2mwh wrote

The item I never knew I needed! Thanks


ConvivialKat t1_j4d5gvw wrote

My second recommendation is to try PEACH NECTAR instead of OJ. It's called a BELLINI, and it will rock your world! Lol!


alt0bs OP t1_j4dg4t5 wrote

Ooofff will have to try pretty sure you’ve altered the quality of my life substantially haha! Thanks :))


IntroductionFluffy71 t1_j4ehhi0 wrote

Bellini is superior to Mimosa, in my opinion, but i’m not picky. 🤣 the Cipriani brand (teal bottle) is my jam. if you live anywhere near a Wegmans, they have it in the dessert wine section.


IntroductionFluffy71 t1_j4eh3vt wrote

i try to have at least one bottle of Cipriani Bellini in the fridge at all times. usually have 2–4 at a time. 🤣 and then i have Bellini Sundays. 😉