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rengothrowaway t1_j53xeo9 wrote

I’m glad you and baby are doing well now. I had to be induced because of IUGR also, but was able to go to 37 weeks.

It was pretty scary.


HamsterSweets t1_j54mbff wrote

Mine progressed so quickly. Went from weekly scans to twice a week scans to "go in for monitoring" in less than 2 weeks. Then when I got there the hope was to get me to at least 32 weeks but just later that day it turned into "he's going to be born tomorrow." Then he worried them a bit overnight that they brought up the possibility of emergency c-section but luckily we found a sleeping position that kept him stable until the scheduled one. I was so relieved (and exhausted) when I heard him cry that I passed out for the rest of my c-section.

If we hadn't previously decided to be done at 2 kids, we definitely would have stopped after all that. I refuse to go through all that again.


rengothrowaway t1_j54z6g0 wrote

That is so scary!

I feel so fortunate I was able to get as far along as I was, and that he was 5lbs at birth. We had very few problems, but it was scary to me how tiny he was. Preemie clothes were huge on him.

I’ve said the same about never doing it again. Luckily we had also agreed on two, and already had one. We are done.


HamsterSweets t1_j5514kl wrote

I'm glad it worked out! You never expect something like that to happen. And our first had been a totally smooth experience.

I always looked at the positives after he was born and sent to NICU. He was/is alive, he did great (though it took him a while to get the hang of feeding). And his diapers in the beginning were so little! They told me to keep a couple (of the 2nd size he wore; I never got a chance to ask about keeping the first size) and I love showing teeny tiny diaper to people. It's the size of my hand when fully unfolded.