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Swedenesebishhh69 t1_j60ehdt wrote

I dont believe life should only be studying. My parents did that to my younger brother. Yes, we are older now, but it really fkd up his social skills. There should be time for fun and other interests too.


Relative-Performer40 OP t1_j60gajs wrote

Yeah well that is why i am asking how to deal with the parents... they dont understand, Since here, the concept is to study for 2 years(11th and 12th grade) and then do whatever you want(at least thats what my parents say)


Swedenesebishhh69 t1_j60px7v wrote

So they dont allow you any social life or after school activities? Thats not healthy for you .


Relative-Performer40 OP t1_j60w8lt wrote

they do allow social life.. and sure they do allow after school activities but due to the assignments and school pressure i barely have an hour to spare... I usually sleep or just try to exercise. on top of that we shifted and there are literally no one my age in the neighborhood so my activity is limited to working out at home.


Swedenesebishhh69 t1_j60y52x wrote

im sorry life has become so unexciting. I think you should start planning an after graduation trip. Start requesting donations from your parents or grandparents. Start looking up locations, prices, things to do while your there. If even for 30 min every other day it will give you something to plan and look forward to.