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t1_j6pf52y wrote

Please dont listen to the comment above you. Weight training is ESSENTIAL for losing weight and I really helps with endorphins too. You don’t need to lift super heavy either. The easiest way to explain it is if you burn 200 calories on the treadmill doing cardio that is all you’ll burn. If you weight train for 30 mins you’ll burn 150 calories but then you’re going to keep burning calories into the next day while your body is repairing the muscles that your used to lift. So combining cardio and weight training is great for weight loss. I’m not a genius with this stuff but I’ve been working out for a long time and this is pretty basic stuff. Feel free to dm me if you ever have any questions regarding working out or dieting.


t1_j6ph94t wrote

You're both not wrong.

Swimming has been touted as one of the best exervises for awhile now because of the resistance.

That being said, it won't make you stronger. It depends what your goals are as well. If it's purely weight loss, either works. Weight lifting is important to incorporate as muscles end up using more calories to maintain. But most of all you want to have a decently strong body just for your future. There's benefits to all of these things. It's whatever you enjoy most.


t1_j6phnlg wrote

Sorry I support the pool training. I was referring to the comment that OP replied to that suggested that cardio is more important for fat loss. But after rereading the comment it’s not as bad as I thought. But I still stand by my comment for a combo cardio weight training.


t1_j6pif4v wrote

Oh for sure. I was in OP's shoes with a T2 diagnosis. Although mine was official. Doctor offered medicine and I said can I just change my diet + exercise to put it into remission. He said yeah your young enough to try. Honestly as a dude that spent most of his early life playing rougher contact sports, I put cardio to the side and just pumped. It helped my fat loss but not at the rate I wanted. I was getting and am hella strong now. But I've added more cardio time and the combination is doing wonders.


t1_j6pjyfk wrote

> Weight training is ESSENTIAL for losing weight

I lost 250lbs without weight training or a gym.