Submitted by thr0waway795 t3_10l9xe2 in tifu

So I was talking to my brother this morning and he was in a good mood. He told me he had been hunting and showed me a picture of a really big buck he had killed. Now before I continue I should probably let you know that my family’s love language is insulting each other. There have been instances where people hear our conversations and stand up as if they’re getting ready to break up a fight. So when he shows me the picture my first instinct is to downplay it. I say “you probably just saw that deer on the side of the road and shot it.” He calls me a hater and we laugh and continue our day. About 2 hours ago we went to our cousin’s house and when my brother walked in this is the conversation that happened.

Brother: “Hey (cousin) you gotta see this.”

Me: “oh great”

Cousin: “What is it?”

Me: “He’s just happy he killed Bambi.”

I noticed my cousin’s 2 young kids were in the room but I didn’t think much of it. They know what hunting is and I didn’t think they would hear that and think my brother literally killed Bambi. They started crying. My brother had no idea what to say. My cousin didn’t realize why they were crying and the thought of letting them think my brother killed Bambi was so funny I couldn’t say anything because I was holding in my laugh. Luckily my cousin’s wife was in the room and took charge in the situation. After 30 minutes my brother and I had finished doing what we were there to do and we went back in the house. Now I feel guilty because while they had calmed down they didn’t believe my cousin’s wife that Bambi wasn’t dead. I feel like I killed Bambi. So that’s how my day has been so far.

TLDR: I said a joke and now 2 little kids think Bambi is dead.



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ephikles t1_j5vqoom wrote

Photoshop a red nose on Bambi and tell them you mixed things up and actually it was Rudolph, so Bambi is still alive!


ThereAre24Bees t1_j5weeg5 wrote

This is simultaneously the best and worst idea


ktElwood t1_j5yu2v3 wrote

The worst idea would be to prep that Buck cadaver on wires and move it's carcass in front of the window of the kid's room.

And then get off the roof all bloody and tell them "HAVE YOU SEEN BAMBI? HE IS ALIVE"

But to be honest, the part of my family that is into hunting is teaching their kids from age 0 that meat indeed comes from killing animals.

I am not into hunting..but I once told my fellow 3-5 year olds where the little pigs and cows went, because I new my grampa acutally had a business moving livestock from farmers to the slaughterhouse.

The Truth? Fellow kids couldn't handel the truth.


gray2on t1_j5vzv38 wrote

Holy shit


razldazlbradybazzell t1_j5zui5m wrote

no, it's not. just facts. I can hear the aluminum gates clambering around trying to find open home, as their occupants all stare blankly at nothing.


betterversionn t1_j60tzuu wrote

It’s people like you that make me realize I have no wit. I wish I could be at your level.


ephikles t1_j62fahw wrote

I only have a bright moment now and then, yesterday I happened to be on reddit.


xEvilMunkyx t1_j5wxwaq wrote

This was the only time in my childhood my dad brought home a deer. It was hanging off the deck awning, everyone was excited and brought my four year old self out to see.

I took one look at the deer, pointed at it and screamed: "DADDY KILLED BAMBIIIIIII!!!!!!" Lol I was traumatized.


zaphrous t1_j5wk9y6 wrote

The film was 1942. Deer live maybe 20 years from Google. So bambi would have died of old age a long time ago. Aside from the whole cartoon thing.


ThadisJones t1_j5yme0h wrote

Bambi canonically died in 1969, as depicted in Marv Newland's legendary sequel to the original film.


SweetCosmicPope t1_j5w6wl1 wrote

Lol! I did this to my sister when I killed my first deer but the blood that ran from it’s nose made it look like it had a red nose, so I said I killed Rudolph.


Strappedkaos t1_j5wfsdb wrote

Wait... Was I not supposed to watch it with my daughters before we went and harvested their first buck? I thought it was customary...


Tanagrabelle t1_j5xagzf wrote

It was an accident. And by this time, even were he able to go of old age, Bambi went to the clearing at the end of path long ago.gif Couldn't find a face I really liked for this. Something frivolous but not mocking is a lot to ask!


Oh_No_Its_Dudder t1_j5xs0uu wrote

Bambi is the best episode of The Young Ones, in my opinion. Musical guest star was Motorhead.


drnapls t1_j5zzwn8 wrote

I loved watching them in the late 80s


Zuckuss18 t1_j5xtk6v wrote

What kids in 2023 have heard of Bambi?


thr0waway795 OP t1_j5yhi89 wrote

Another reason why I felt safe saying what I said. Apparently they watched the movie last week.


flip469 t1_j5w63cu wrote

That's awesome lolol.... like the great Sturgill Simpson said... "love ain't fair and the world is mean"... but it is kinda fucked up too lolol. But still funny to me...


DestoryDerEchte t1_j5xmk9x wrote

"Bambi is dead. We killed Bambi" ~thr0waway795


betterversionn t1_j60uclt wrote

I just like there are parents out there still showing their kids the classics. Most kids today seem to only be interest in CGI/Pixar animation vs the ol’ hand drawn 2D movies from the 1900s.