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werter318 t1_j63novw wrote

Sheeesh, if this actually happened I feel so bad for you… What a world we live in


wyldstalyn6 OP t1_j63s38c wrote

In all honesty I guess I should’ve known better in today’s world but I was not in a good head space.


werter318 t1_j63s9ge wrote

How did the people that received them react?


wyldstalyn6 OP t1_j63spi3 wrote

Not sure, my sister called me, angry that someone could be this cruel, nobody else has mentioned it


TheDMisalwaysright t1_j64sves wrote

It's 2023 and things like this are common, . Most people will react like this, possibly with a 'he should have known better though' thrown in but that's not that bad to deal with.

Expected fallout is some awkward jokes, some support and no real negative effects, so I wouldn't beat yourself up (or off) about it.