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aim_so_far t1_j5pm2ht wrote

Lol this whole relationship is stupid


[deleted] t1_j5v3awo wrote



HopOnTheHype t1_j5vk4wd wrote

Homie what? Did you even read the story? He hired a prostitute to time it out to make her jealous, that’s deranged and abusive. She even was like “okay” about it too, so you can’t even claim she wasn’t solid with the polyamory. He did psycho shit, she did healthy polyamory with open consent


joopityjoop t1_j5vp7k5 wrote

"Healthy polyamory" LMFAO


HopOnTheHype t1_j5vp9yy wrote

Yeah. Just say it like it is, you’re massively insecure. You see yourself in the creepy guy


cobaltaureus t1_j5w584o wrote

If she didn’t want him fucking other women…shouldn’t have opened the relationship. The sex worker was definitely skeevy, but c’mon.


HopOnTheHype t1_j5walgl wrote

Her problem was doing it in front of each other, not that it happened, also she’s now made aware that he’s a psychopath who was manipulating her like an abuser