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HopOnTheHype t1_j5xmuca wrote

Did you not even read the story or?

The concept she is upset about is that he paraded her in front of her, while she was discreet about it (while still being open) to help avoid him from being jealous/insecure. Even without the concept that he did an abuser manipulation on her, he's already being gross about it.

She didn't have a problem with him fucking someone, she had a problem with it happening in front of her, and she lived by the same standards.


gonzoes t1_j61h3zl wrote

Yeah i read it but that is utterly ridiculous to call him an abuser manipulator for walking the girl our in front of his significant other. Its not like he made her watch them have sex in the same room. You’re acting like he physically forced her to watch them which is not the case he made a bad judgment to help her realize how he felt

Even though She didn’t do it where he could see it’s obvious to tell that even her going to leave the house affected him just as badly as it affected her thank you locked her out of the house


HopOnTheHype t1_j61m9mz wrote

He literally hired an escort to parade her in front of her ex to make her jealous so that she would comply to his demands, and broke their good faith polyamory by doing it openly while the girlfriend was keeping it discreet for his sake. He got insecure and manipulated her by hiring an escort to make her feel bad. Homie you defending this sus shit is just you going mask off, Just say you relate with the abuser and would do something psychopathic like that. Even his own version of the story Made him look like an abuser, can’t even imagine what else he puts her through. This isn’t an uwu little thing, this is full psychological abuse.


gonzoes t1_j61u3cl wrote

Not going to even argue with you. Youre so far wrapped up in the abuse thing, like its all black and white and like you have all of their relationship story laid out infront of you


HopOnTheHype t1_j65evkj wrote

I don’t know what to tell you if even his version of events made it clear he was manipulating her in the relationship. You’re being very smelly and defending abuse, and it’s pretty in your face abuse. You don’t have an argument, sorry you’re just on the wrong side of morality here?


gonzoes t1_j65y7vl wrote

No you’re just a person who cant see other than black and white. It was only manipulation if he didn’t admit he was wrong which he did. Your definition of abuse is obscured very heavily by hive mind all knowing reddit. And you have no argument except screaming bloody murder. Look how many upvotes i got… youre downvoted it should clearly tell you something. Maybe you were a victim of real abuse so you have ptsd or something which would be valid