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TheShawnWray t1_j654e71 wrote

Dude, have you not heard of long COVID? She was struggling to get through the day. She would have eventually gotten over it, but you went over her head and made her boss question her performance. That was a dick move.


[deleted] OP t1_j655lv7 wrote



chaos021 t1_j67gidl wrote

All you cared about was you. What goes around...


Thundermedic t1_j67rzpo wrote

Yeah, I totally understand! I’m responsible for making sure things are cleaned up at home. But I slack off sometimes becuase let’s face it, I’m tired and the place gets exactly how my daughter likes it and she loves it! I mean, toys everywhere, stuffed animals in a big pile, building blocks and little stacking toys just everywhere. Well, eventually she trips over some silly toy and cries. I get the energy to console her, clean up the toys, and put everything away, she gets pissed! I mean she screams, whines, and throws a little tantrum. Even worse, no matter how many times I clean up, she gets angry every time.

When I read this post I thought to myself, if my daughter could write a Reddit post, it would go something like this. So I totally understand. I see this kind of thing daily!