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t1_j6lxzs3 wrote

You are right. No matter what others tell you here, YOU STAND BY YOUR PRINCIPLES. What you believe to be wrong is wrong and no amount of goading is going to make it alright. Your mom sounds like a narcissistic a**hole and your brother is spoilt by her. Don't go down to their level. If you are going to shut them out of your life two years later, you can at least know that you were always the good person and they deserve to be out of your life.


OP t1_j6ly45h wrote

Thanks for the advice


t1_j6meou7 wrote

Turning the other cheek just gets you another slap.

Go to the police and make a report.


t1_j6mp4pn wrote

Better yet, she can sue her brother and parents in small claims court. Victory over the $150 will feel so good when her parents refuse to help pay for college and kick them out at 18. It's way more important to keep it real.


OP t1_j6mejx0 wrote



t1_j6mi6f5 wrote

There's no need to resent them. And bugger the forgiveness and understanding. What's more to understand than her brother is a thieving piece of shit, her mum is a narcissist and her dad has no spine.

If she shuts those arseholes out of her life then she won't be thinking about them.

It should be said repeatedly forgiving toxic people is poisonous to oneself.


t1_j6mnk2c wrote

Fuck that. You have no obligation to other people.

"Forgiveness" is the skeleton key abusers use to keep getting back in.