TIL The Marvel No-Prize is a empty envelope that Marvel awarded fans for "meritorious service to the cause of Marveldom". Typically it was won by submitting an explanation for an error in a comic, but rules varied from author to author. The prize was inspired by George R. R. Martin.
en.wikipedia.orgSubmitted by jamescookenotthatone t3_119vmlu in todayilearned
jamescookenotthatone OP t1_j9o8d36 wrote
I learned about this oddity from the Talking Simpsons Podcast, https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly90YWxraW5nc2ltcHNvbnMubGlic3luLmNvbS9yc3M/episode/MjRjOTNkZDUtYTliZC00OTg3LWI4ZjItZDk5YWZmMzNkM2E3?ep=14
Some Marvel employees were pretty stringent about what deserved a No-Prize, but not Macchio,
>Ralph Macchio (Daredevil): "The No-Prize is an honored Marvel tradition. Of course I give them away—for just about any old stupid thing. I have a million of them."[13]