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RonSwansonsOldMan t1_j8anho5 wrote

You know, one simple word would resolve this whole controversy with me and I would shut my mouth. That word is "theory". When scientists dropped that word when speaking of evolution, they lost my respect as fact-based scientists.


alcapwnage0007 t1_j8ar9sz wrote

I'd argue that it is at least partially proven, but I will cede that it is technically still theory.


Totalherenow t1_j8bpiix wrote

The creationist you're discussing with doesn't understand what a theory is in science. It's a confirmed scientific model, confirmed by hypothesis testing. He thinks that his ignorance somehow constitutes an argument, but all it does is tell us how uneducated he is.


Jamie___May t1_j8lr5bz wrote

How do you feel about the theories regarding gravity?