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ollowain86 t1_j9ekvkg wrote

Normally that is -traditionally- how it is.

But nowadays with influence from "the west" some muslims ask, if they can have a dog as pet. It depends who you ask, normally the answer is "no, since they are considered as not clean enough to hold them at home as a pet".

But Islam is flexible, more then one would assume. For example, if you are starving you can eat pork. You can use alcohol for medicine, like desinfection afaik.

Maybe, you can have a dog as pet, if you are struggling with depressions? I never heard of a case, but I can imagine that this could be ok under some conditions.

Rules in Islam may seem hard to follow, but they aren't and they adapt to life.


shadboi16 t1_j9elbsl wrote

Yeah I know about them, I’m a Muslim aswell. I was only confused because I thought you were saying that we, in general conditions, can have dogs as household pets. In specific conditions I can see sure why not if it helps you with depression.