Logical_Crab_4594 t1_j9ufo15 wrote
Fascinating and a bit sad. Surely seems globalisation and rising sea levels are going to slowly erode this community
lemonyzest757 t1_j9utl38 wrote
It's already happening.
['You can't live in a swamp': Virginia fishing village threatened by rising sea levels
A new study found that Tangier Island is losing ground faster than previously thought, highlighting how climate change threatens U.S. coastal communities.](https://www.nbcnews.com/science/environment/climate-change-tangier-island-sea-level-rise-rcna4830)
GoGaslightYerself t1_j9uuc6s wrote
Much of the loss of land in the area is due to subsidence. There's a huge bolide crater -- bigger than Rhode Island and deeper than the Grand Canyon -- to the south of Tangier, and all the land, from Tangier to Virginia Beach, is slowly sinking to fill in that crater. Add the subsidence to the sea level rise and you've got some serious rising damp.
lemonyzest757 t1_j9uusuz wrote
I know - I live in the Tidewater area. I don't know how much exactly is due to rising sea levels and how much to subsidence, but they are both factors.
OutAtSea09 t1_j9x2gzl wrote
Read a book last year on this very topic, called Chesapeake Requiem: A Year with the Watermen of Vanishing Tangier Island. Highly recommend!
dovetc t1_j9yr8oj wrote
Erosion will destroy tangiers long before rising seas.
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