TIL that in 1554 Elizabeth Crofts hid in a wall on Aldersgate Street, where she pretended to be a heavenly voice. Reputedly 17,000 people came to listen to her give out anti-Catholic propaganda. en.wikipedia.org Submitted by Kurma-the-Turtle t3_119wh86 2 years ago in todayilearned 171 comments 10,919
Soyoulikedonutseh t1_j9ovudz wrote 2 years ago Is it really propaganda if it's speaking out against propaganda? Permalink −3− rooktookabook t1_j9owczz wrote 2 years ago Yes. Propaganda isn't inherently bad, people just associate the word with "the bad propaganda" Permalink Parent 10
rooktookabook t1_j9owczz wrote 2 years ago Yes. Propaganda isn't inherently bad, people just associate the word with "the bad propaganda" Permalink Parent 10
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