DrBBQ t1_j9ozuv8 wrote
Reply to comment by RunDNA in TIL that in 1554 Elizabeth Crofts hid in a wall on Aldersgate Street, where she pretended to be a heavenly voice. Reputedly 17,000 people came to listen to her give out anti-Catholic propaganda. by Kurma-the-Turtle
What the hell does "resorted to her divers tymes" mean?
RunDNA t1_j9p06jp wrote
Went to her many times.
The_Ry_Ry t1_j9p5wxn wrote
You’ll still see “divers occasions” in many legal documents today.
MustacheEmperor t1_j9q6gl1 wrote
Pulling that out next time I need to email legal, thx
call_me_jelli t1_j9ql3k6 wrote
Man, do you want the scuba lessons or not?
slatts79 t1_j9qzb2w wrote
The tyme divers resorted to her divers tyme
[deleted] t1_j9sfgdz wrote
[deleted] t1_j9vsx9l wrote
WolframLeon t1_j9rbrk8 wrote
Divers not diverse?
The_Ry_Ry t1_j9rd546 wrote
I have used that phrase more times than I can count when recording interviews of witnesses, summarizing investigations, drafting charges, etc.
WolframLeon t1_j9s7vrd wrote
That’s interesting! Learning new stuff everyday now to go down the rabbit hole.
-finalcut t1_j9sally wrote
What jurisdiction is this?
The_Ry_Ry t1_j9tb3h4 wrote
Hot_Lavishness1499 t1_j9rhkzs wrote
Proof that Londoners have never been very well versed in English 🤣
DrBBQ t1_j9p0uav wrote
Ah, thanks
thefonztm t1_j9qpzs0 wrote
TIL you leave the 'e' off.
masterofshadows t1_j9pyxqg wrote
Divers is the root of the word diverse. It basically means various in this context. Tymes is just times. Resorted means they made a choice and chose her.
PM_me_the_magic t1_j9qnt7s wrote
Alright smarty pants, and what about the word "to"??
Averander t1_j9q4jv5 wrote
Diverse times, diverse also meaning varied or many. The changes in English language over time are fun to see!
big_duo3674 t1_j9r315e wrote
They really did a number on the letter "e" at some point, did it piss off someone important?
Alright that's enough e, I will make it my life's work to ensure you're time at the end of words is finished
OldKingCanary t1_j9rfqaw wrote
Blame the Normans
MrsValentine t1_j9q8fp9 wrote
They didn’t have standardised spelling then so they spelt words however they sounded and literacy was quite poor generally. I think that is diverse times aka a variety of times. To resort to something is to go back to something.
kingbovril t1_j9q956a wrote
Resorted to her diverse times. So it’s saying they went to her multiple times
[deleted] t1_j9qnr93 wrote
Asha108 t1_j9sh3kd wrote
resorted to her diverse times, modernly “visited her often”
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