TIL as an alternative to Brigham Young’s wagon train trip to Salt Lake, Sam Brannan chartered a ship Brooklyn to take 238 passengers from New York, around the Cape Horn to Hawaii and then what is now San Francisco. Brannon then walked overland through Utah and met Young in what is now Wyoming.
en.wikipedia.orgSubmitted by triviafrenzy t3_1163z9q in todayilearned
DickweedMcGee t1_j94z0st wrote
The Brooklyn colonists invested their time and resources into building up the Bay area, expecting the main body of Latter-day Saints to settle near them. However, Brigham Young chose the Great Salt Lake Valley as the center place for the Mormon population and as the site for a holy temple to be built.[23] When official word of the new gathering place was issued, Samuel Brannan informed the disappointed Brooklyn settlers that their communal endeavors in San Francisco were at an end....about half of the Brooklyn settlers were recruited to trek overland to Utah, two of them went to Hawaii and the rest emigrated back to the eastern states.
I want to hear about the two people that went to Hawaii. Were they trying to spread the word of Mormon or were they frustrated and just said fuck it?