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NewCanadianMTurker t1_ja3qclg wrote

The alternative to using a patent lawyer is trying to file a patent yourself. But unless you have knowledge/expertise comparable to a patent lawyer's, some corporation would almost certainly find a loophole in your patent and steal your idea.


DnBenjamin t1_ja4077g wrote

Yeah this is why we have patents for reasonable inventions that go on to claim absurdly broad and vague things. You have to patent not only the specific actual patents invention, but also every conceivable generalization of it.

“Claims… 442. The apparatus of claim 1 wherein the handle is cranked by ur mom.”


ghotiaroma t1_ja66a5i wrote

They can also, and often do, just steal it any way. You can't go to a cop and file a complaint, you have to have a legal team fight a corporation.

The loophole is that our court systems are a tool for the rich, not the little guy.