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foo-jitsoo t1_ja7rrjq wrote

Ok, not to be an asshole, but your comment ironically displays a lack of understanding of what evolution actually means in order to make a rather tired and overused joke about rejecting the theory of evolution in favor of a religious explanation for life.

I say this as an atheist and somebody who is probably on "your side" politically - that's dumb.


No-Owl9201 t1_ja7xe30 wrote

I like dumb, and your response made me smile, ta!


foo-jitsoo t1_ja7ze2y wrote

Dumb *can* be funny, and your comment *did* make me exhale thru my nose a bit as I shook my head.

In response to your light-hearted reply, I have change my downvote of your initial comment to an upvote. You are welcome.


No-Owl9201 t1_ja8jcn2 wrote

Thank you for your kind act!!
Sometimes I even downvote myself.