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Darkstar1988 t1_ja8nlsx wrote

I highly doubt this was the reason for that. The bible was used to justify slavery and also an instruktonbook on that matter after all, I think this podcast is trying to rewrite history like the Southern states in your country. And religious and moral.... you make me laugh.


SaiyanTheSuper-J t1_ja8ryuj wrote

Not all religious people are dickheads


Darkstar1988 t1_ja8sh06 wrote

True, but in my personal experience witch it is anecdotal ofcourse most are and I mean like 90%


0ttr t1_ja92vxn wrote

Research shows that any group of people that identifies around a common ideology becomes more insular and exclusive over time. That includes religious groups, but atheists as well. It's a human trait. Only individual curiosity and humility overcomes that--again, proven by research.


Darkstar1988 t1_jaagyye wrote

again I accept that but personal experience differs so my emotional state is different. thas all


0ttr t1_ja92ed2 wrote

It was not *the* reason, but it was *a* reason. You can read Bryan's own writings and see it quite clearly. It's in the source notes for the podcast. His moral arguments were quite valid. And in this case, the science on eugenics was wrong.

The lesson to be learned here is: things are almost always more complicated than history makes them out to be, and not everyone was the moron and genius that they seemed to be.