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Armthedillos5 t1_jabhgf3 wrote

He created a new version of the Bible that took out all miracles or mention of supernatural and just left the moral teachings of Jesus.


CurrentlyLucid t1_jacgqdp wrote

There is a difference between the religion of Jesus, and the religion about Jesus, he recognized this.


Cautious_Mistakes t1_jac8q3n wrote



Armthedillos5 t1_jacbces wrote

Wait til you hear how he made it. He took a razor blade, cut out the parts he wanted and glued it to new paper, ransom note style.


gerkletoss t1_jacx5dt wrote

If you just want one copy, that was by far the easiest method at the time.


GeorgeLovesBOSCO t1_jadil93 wrote

I imagine he used his collection of letters he cut out of magazines.


Jenpayge t1_jadfpww wrote

Gave it to the church and they flipped it and reprinted it as gospel. Amen


stouf761 t1_jad2kvr wrote

So basically any of Saul’s letters to the Greeks were cast aside? Good. St. Paul the Bandwagoner did so much damage to Jesus’s legacy in the Church.


tsunami141 t1_jadjw0c wrote

He did? How?


squamesh t1_jadpdlm wrote

Jesus in the gospels states that all people are equal, you should approach every situation with love, and should basically just dedicate your entire life to helping others. Paul took that and said, “yea definitely, so what you’re saying women should be subservient to men and the church should be organized according to a strict hierarchy. Also gay people are gross”


SolDarkHunter t1_jadndau wrote

Let's just say that some Christians take issue with aspects of Paul's writings, and argue that they should be considered his personal opinions (or prejudices) rather than the direct Word of God.


Darrone t1_jadou0m wrote

Amazing that a man who owned his own children and knew slavery was wrong (per his own writings) also felt like he could improve religious texts.


G20fortified t1_jadqive wrote

I can improve religious texts. Just replace “god” with “your imaginary friend”. Voila prefect


HPmoni t1_jadxpuv wrote

Yeah, he was a dick.

There was no abortion back then. There were a lot of biracial people on the plantation. The hypocrisy and slavery were the worst things.


Brilliant_Jewel1924 t1_jaf4p8n wrote

I have a copy of it—it’s a reproduction obviously. It’s very fascinating!


snewz404 t1_jacnvp3 wrote

I have this, it’s great. Just sensible.


goteamnick t1_jabjgn1 wrote

Such arrogance. The same writers who detailed the moral teachings also detailed the miracles.


xPlasma t1_jabl02u wrote

How is arrogant to derive value from moral teachings without believing in the super natural. No need to throw the baby out with the bathwater.


goteamnick t1_jabnaay wrote

This is like deciding you don't like The Beatles' music, so you throw away the vinyl and declare they were excellent models for album sleeves and nothing more.


Bumwax t1_jabzmab wrote

What's wrong with that? Hell the Sgt Peppers cover is an art peice in and of itself and I would gladly have it on my wall. But I don't fancy their music much.


Dark_Shade_75 t1_jacmhry wrote

Now I'm all for analogies, but comparing the Beatles' music to walking on water is a new one for me.

Also there's nothing wrong with using the moral guide book and only taking the moral lessons from it. That's... the whole point of the book. I'd bet Jesus would love it tbh.


Exoddity t1_jabu9pf wrote

The arrogance and conceit to think nothing is good or wise unless accompanied by the transubstantiation of water to wine or some other such bullshit.

How much does it say about your beliefs that the only thing shackling you to them seems to be its supposed tie to divinity, or fear of some eternal torment?


zebrastarz t1_jacuxms wrote

Actually, this is a fascinating subject, and I think it has to do with the fear of the unknown that most people actually lean on religion to help them with. For those people, religion is probably necessarily supernatural to allow it to give moral prescriptions and provide explanations that the logical mind fails to provide for itself. The low stakes and "reality" of the miracles Jesus was described as performing hit a satisfying middle ground for this type of person, bleeding from reality into the fantastical to create just enough plausibility that the logical brain accepts the unknown as something that can be understood and possibly even used if you just follow the right lessons. For those same people, it is understandable that trying to impart religious morals and teachings without the supernatural aspects is arrogance because it suggests that anyone with logical thinking is capable of overcoming the fear of the unknown and understanding divinity, something that to them is seemingly impossible without instruction coming from an order higher than Man.


Notorious_Junk t1_jac5wwe wrote

What's more arrogant, editing a book or calling yourself the son of god?


[deleted] t1_jabt76m wrote



[deleted] t1_jabvk5a wrote

He was the worst kind of influential and intelligent human. A hypocritical influential and intelligent human.
