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Zkenny13 t1_j9z3tzm wrote

Must smell lovely

Edit: I meant it must smell better since it's open air. Forgot I was on a phone...


jacobspartan1992 t1_j9z50r6 wrote

That would be a rather interesting experience. It might appeal to those who love diverse eras of culture.


TheChopinet OP t1_j9z6i9f wrote

Yeah it's really neat! I'm not into anime and comics but you don't even need a ticket to enter Lucca during the festival, you just buy one if you wanna go to the meet and greets and that kind of stuff

All the people in costume walking by old churches and through picturesque alleyways really make it kind of magical.


thesuperbro t1_j9z888e wrote

Sounds like a great place to take psychedelics


Sdog1981 t1_j9zc8qs wrote

Cosplay and ComiCon are not the same thing.


mikej83 t1_j9ze8zc wrote

I go every year and can confirm that it is a really good event. Cosplay is not only related to manga, anime and video games. Two years ago I saw this guy who was dressed as a street ramen vendor, walking around the streets selling freshly made ramen.


bth807 t1_j9zqewa wrote

Spent a lovely two days in Lucca a few years back. Very happy it wasn't in October :).

(Nothing against cons. We were there to see the historic city and this would have been a very different experience)


FredVIII-DFH t1_ja02lmk wrote

Is it really a medieval town if it's not in the Middle Ages?


rpp124 t1_ja09e8m wrote

We were in this city last year three days before the event started and it was definitely weird going through these medieval squares and seeing giant, Pokémon and Nintendo tents being set up


my-final-bellyache t1_ja1hahj wrote

Lucca is simply an outstanding city to visit anytime of year. My wife and I spent a week there as a base of operations to see Tuscany.


DMRexy t1_ja1pxeo wrote

Comic con literally stands for "comic convention" and has been used for over half a century. "Con" as a short for convention is incredibly ubiquitous. That trademark ruling was one of the most bullshit ones America ever did. Trademarking a literal descriptive title of a certain activity is ridiculous.

Fortunately, Lucca is not, in fact, in America.