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enter_the_slatrix t1_j8x36m3 wrote

TIL there's a musical about chess lol


Bubbagumpredditor t1_j8x44bv wrote

Omg yeah. I thought it was just a ridiculous thing to have a play about, then a friend was in it and after seeing it's it was excellent. The whole thing is set during the cold war with the us vs Soviet, and has got all the bullshit of the time with defectors and politics and kgb and international rivalries and all that.

Seriously, it's much better than it sounds by the name.


wwhsd t1_j8xlayr wrote

… and a song from the musical topped the international pop music charts. It remember it being in the top 10 rotation for awhile when I was in 6th grade.

That song and “Rock Me Amadeus” by Falco were my 6th grade jams.


bolanrox t1_j8xm62o wrote

and remember 10+ years before that he was belting out Jesus Christ Superstar, and 10ish years later was singing Under the Sea.


Irishpanda1971 t1_j8xvbc0 wrote

A musical about chess with music written by the male half of ABBA and book by Tim Rice


Mikey6304 t1_j8ypdij wrote

It's actually mostly about cold war politics, spycraft, and international grandstanding (which was all a major factor in the sport of chess at the time).