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Happypappy007 t1_ja001hj wrote

I’m aware of the postwar geopolitical concerns. Had Vietnam become independent after WWII, It was unlikely to cause any change in French politics. We were going to supply DeGaulle and DeGaulle was going to resist communism.


getbeaverootnabooteh t1_ja3hjvc wrote

DeGaulle wouldn't have turned France into a full-blown Communist one-party Soviet client state. But he could've definitely thrown a hissy fit and refused to fully cooperate with US military and economic plans in Europe for a while.


Happypappy007 t1_ja3j7tx wrote

DeGaulle was infamously proned to hissy fits.

Most historians give Truman high marks for his foreign policy. In the main, I do too. His Vietnam policy- if you can call it that - was a major blunder.