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rubmypineapple t1_jdxgpkb wrote

Thought this was a manufacturing fault at first and ripped it off


memeiel OP t1_jdxgw36 wrote

I ripped it off the first two times too haha


randomly-what t1_jdyexk9 wrote

I ripped mine off on purpose in England last month because it was driving me nuts


wedontlikespaces t1_jdzce7m wrote

I hope you then throw it in the local river. I believe that is the approved method of disposal.

Or you can go for maximum twatage and thow it at a bin, miss, and then just leave it there.


Historical-Fox1372 t1_jdzemqn wrote

I feel like direct to river is a higher level of twatage than attempting to put it in the bin.


wedontlikespaces t1_jdzjcqm wrote

Oh no they don't attempt, they just throw it. They are the same people who burn the plastic in bus shelters so you can't read the timetable.


FinancialYou4519 t1_je20b8p wrote

The ones that piss all over the toilet at public establishments? The ones who press on the emergency brake on escalators?


Implausibilibuddy t1_jdzrag7 wrote

How so? You just hook the little tab under the bottle thread and it stays open.


alaninsitges t1_jdzozak wrote

Me too! I was thinking they had really let their quality control go. It wasn't until I noticed it on a milk carton that I realized something was up.


arcanum7123 t1_je0co5s wrote

I always rip them off because they're annoying as fuck, but I also always have and do recycle them anyway


Librosaurus t1_je0m6uh wrote

I hate to tell you this but...

I am pretty sure that they can't recycle black plastic unless it is attached to something else recyclable.

I believe it's something to do with the scanners have difficulty spotting black plastic and sorting it correctly.


parag0n101 t1_jdzzmw6 wrote

Same, caught me out the other day - first time I’d come across it and thought it was a fault, nearly spilled my drink in the process :)