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AnselaJonla t1_jajsvms wrote

> Mongols would have had a lot of difficulty with central European terrain, and the sheer density of fortifications - Europe had a lot of castles, forts, and fortified cities, since they were constantly at war.

Isn't this the "Dothraki wouldn't do well in Westeros" argument? Which makes sense, given the influences GRRM drew from.


Ameisen t1_jajvqo0 wrote

Germany alone today has tens of thousands of castles (though not as many in the 13th century). It would have been a strange place for the Mongols, especially as the Emperor's orders were to heavily stock the castles and cities, avoid direct engagements, and force the Mongols into sieges.

This AskHistorians reply goes into more detail aa well., including other, more important factors.