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Brimstone-n-Treacle t1_jcta0vz wrote

But they made up for it in the 14th century, when they had two Popes at the same time - so it all evened out.


RegalBeagleKegels t1_jctcbl0 wrote

Three, even.

Having a Catholic cage match with two popes isn't that uncommon historically - they call it thunderdome the antipope.


spencer4991 t1_jcui9he wrote

I love the fact that the article talks about the fact that for some instances, it’s hard to identify which one was actually the antipope


BrokenEye3 t1_jcuuvpk wrote

Yeah except now the numbering for Popes John is totally messed up. John XXIII is only the 21st legitimate Pope John, and John XX was skipped outright