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96_doomer t1_jawg4jk wrote

I see that u gave a long explanation, but the problem is, my lack of fundamental knowledge in this subject, so what maybe common knowledge to people in that field, may not be to me. So unfortunately, most of what u just described just went over my head. But I appreciate u taking ur time to explain, although it sucks that I can't understand it, as I don't have the base knowledge in the field.


Fake_William_Shatner t1_jb166x8 wrote

Okay; simply put we have gravity because acceleration or mass causes time to slow down.

Think of it like an eddy in a current. The fast water pushes at the same rate but the slow water resists forward motion, that causes a floating object to start veering towards the eddy.

I think that should be the easy part to understand. It's the same as the "gravity well" and how planets and stars with mass bend the fabric of space.

So, be happy if you get that far. The rest of this is me babbling because I feel like have to spit it out, even if nobody hears or understands it now.

The implication of that gets complicated. We have distance because it takes time to get to places. So relativity and the expansion of the Universe can be seen as a function of time. If it takes more time for light to get from points A and B, then they are now further apart because everything else moves at a ratio of that speed.

When we think about that "bending" of the spacetime curve however, it's not anything we can see -- and I think that's the big clue as to the fact that we might experience 4 dimensions, but it is made of more than that. If it's not obvious, the fourth dimension is time, a ball is 3D and to describe it, you have to not only know where it is, but when it was there. If you lived in a 2 dimensional world, you wouldn't notice if the plane were bent and wiggled. It might have some sort of impact, but none you could see or feel directly.

Well, have to leave it at that. Don't feel bad, very few people understand relativity. And fewer still understand me.


96_doomer t1_jb8pkv4 wrote

Ok I guess this make me more confused, cause then I'm thinking, well what even is time, like does time exist?

Is time just the movement of all existing stuff in the universe?

So if nothing is moving at all, does time move?


Fake_William_Shatner t1_jb9y5rc wrote

Well, there are probably a bunch of theories for "what is time" but I now think I have a few for how time can exist WITHOUT time. In fact, I think it makes better sense of relativity.

Think of time as a gear. Your experience of "speed of light" is the small gear being turned by the large gear of the Universe you exist in. No matter what speed your gear turns at -- the other gear moves relatively faster. We have no idea of how long it takes for the big gear to turn -- but when it does, the clockworks SEEM to be moving always at the same speed RELATIVE to us.

My explanation for TIME however, is that it's ALL the forces. Only, there is more than 4 dimensions. There are 4 dimensions of 4 dimensions and they seem to be the same point in space. They SEEM to have the same rate of time. This is the "local observer" part of relativity.

This is not anyone else's theory. This is my own. The fact that what I think and what current physics might be agreeing with is just that THEY started saying what I've been saying. I don't think there is a new Universe being spawned at every quantum potential. And that has to do with existence itself.

I see time and all laws of physics as the "balancing of the equation." It is NOT forced. It is not the only result. In fact, in my model, all results that can ever possibly be, in every combination were in existence as soon as the Cosmos -- but the Cosmos has no beginning or ending. That doesn't mean anything is predetermined. It's "every state in every location, infinitely."

And so, for a while, It thought of time as an infinite path created by one particle. And where it crosses itself, the closer to one part of the string is to a prior part of a string is the next moment in time. There is no dimension in this realm, but there is length.

However, I think I've improved this model. My latest theory isn't very old on how this works. It came about when learning of how current methods for AI to create works. I was at the same time thinking about how human consciousness works to predict the future and how to throw a spear to meet a moving animal without being any good at math relative to computers that simulate creativity by doing a LOT of math.

And I don't expect this idea to make it easier to understand. But, time is a "connect the dots" game as if done by the most amazing computer ever -- but, nothing needs to be computed - because only one result exists. Every particle and field in our Universe has to be equal and opposite to something else -- the current moment is the zero point resolution. All other potentials, do exist -- but, are not reality. So from the state of the current "closest to zero point" there is another state that is closer, or most close relative to all others at each location for each particle and field. Everything isn't re-created -- it never existed, and for the briefest moment, it is a quantum imbalance passed on to the next location and field.

The thing that makes this a bit harder to think about is that these states only have a location because they are matched up from 16 dimensions and the resultant "agreement" is 3 dimensions and one Time. Any point in space is the null of something that has no position. The wave function of these quantum fields I'm talking about only moves "relative" to the momentary state of position created in our Universe.

It's as if you looked at an infinite TV full of static, and imagined pictures forming from the dust. And then at the same time, think that those random bits had no position except until you imagined the formation of the pictures.

So, each "frame" in the infinite random that solves for zero, moves to the next frame state. Every frame seems like the same time, the same relativity, and following the same rules. The next frame and the next moment are found because nothing else exists. We are NOT computed. We are the internally coherent resolution of infinite wrong values. All other states are cancelled out -- or, just not "reality."

At the same time, there are infinite other groupings going on, having zero interference with each other. But I figure it's 16 dimensional as well (unless their is a greater affinity or a complementary null state based on the prior conditions of the other groupings -- I'm sure these little tiny nothings happen at the small scale all the time). Anyway, Time is the next best structure to create null values with internal coherence at each point in space -- and it creates a point in space. From another point of view -- the Universe is independent pocket universes just passing along imbalances at their edges. It's possible our large Universe does this, but we wouldn't notice it, because the imbalance would be relatively the same throughout the substructure. Think of an ant sitting in a car going up and down a mountain. No worries. Every tiny bit of the Universe acts as if it is the only piece, but collectively, we pass through it, because each piece is passing on the imbalance.

The weird properties of "spooky at a distance", the "uncertainty principle" and quantum tunneling are just peaks through the cracks of this Universe not just 4 dimensions. And the quantum tunneling aspect just started making sense when I was trying to figure out how to travel to a new location be manipulating spacetime. HOW do you know the coordinates? Then I realized -- it's just relativity again. Every position you are in is ZERO. So every other position you could be in is relatively offset from that. So, particles "tunnel" at the small scale, when their current imbalance finds a more close to zero condition nearby than their locality. They just "now exist" where they are closer to the zero point condition no matter where it is. It's a wonder anything stays put and objects don't pass through each other all the time because there is NOTHING there -- because it's all about distortions in spacetime caused by time imbalances. ALL OF IT. All the forces. We have space because we have time. But, there is no time and there is no space in what creates it. But -- that's just a model. The infinite could evolve over time as well. Since it's infinite. Is it changing or has it always been this way and we just participate in a new aspect of it? All answers are equally valid on that question.

Or I could be delusional. There are a lot of other ways I might model this --- but currently, this one seems more right and at least allows for what we experience without relying on any other force.


96_doomer t1_jbd0459 wrote

U completely went over my head again, lol. Again, I dont have the fundamental knowledge in this field as u or many others maybe having. So when u explain with the assumption I maybe knowing it, I have no clue what u maybe be referring to. I think as some quote of Einstein said, if u understand something properly. U would be able to explain it to a child, and I feel i also would have to be explained I'm that way, as this is a field I have not much knowledge in, but nonetheless some questions pop in my Mind at some point in time.

Sometimes, I try using examples to help explain something to others, so they may understand it a bit easier.

Like for example what I feel is happening here is, for eg Ur in oogla land, and the ooogla boogla dont like it when u touch their moongla because it can cause their hoonglas to expand and become loonglafied which can be a toongla situation.

So even though this maybe be a simple explanation, for someone not familiar with oogla land and their language. This sentence may not make much sense to them, as their first questions might be, well what even I'd a oogla boogla?

Then u could perhaps use simple examples which helps the other person understand the situation even without knowing the fundamentals, which in this case might be.

So basically imagine oogla booglas as some islanders, and they saying, dont touch their eyes(moongla) because touching their eyes can cause their heads to shrink and give them basically a headache which is a messed up situation for them, or as they say, a toongla situation.

Also u mentioned 4th dimension, this another thing I dont understand, I have watched few videos and explanations but still haven't been able to understand it, but those explaining seemed to have gotten it, also u mentioned ai, this another field im interested in too. I feel ai is the next big thing, kinda like smartphones led light the internet etc. And each day its seeming to be going in that direction, I feel it has great potential and those who can get in early may benefit greatly from it. But since I'm not a coder, I'm unable to get into It too much, nor do I have the money to hire people and try and execute some ideas. As for many things, we can already assume It will highly likely be used for evil but likewise it has the potential for good in the other side as well. Maybe a team of good intended ai guys can come together and make something for humanity, that has an everlasting positive effect.


Fake_William_Shatner t1_jbewd8s wrote

> I feel ai is the next big thing, kinda like smartphones led light the internet etc. And each day its seeming to be going in that direction, I feel it has great potential and those who can get in early may benefit greatly from it. But since I'm not a coder, I'm unable to get into It too much, nor do I have the money to hire people and try and execute some ideas.

You don't need to code. There are solutions out there that you can just copy and tweak prompts to take advantage of.

He's a good start;

And you can just click the "Free" option if you are on a budget. ;-)


96_doomer t1_jbowrc7 wrote

Hmmm. So this seem to be some site which has a collection of some of the ai tech available now. I guess checking the free box, limits my options By a lot, but interesting find. I don't think I would have stumbled upon this, as It kinda looks like its still in it early stages. Thanks.


Fake_William_Shatner t1_jbezdca wrote

4th time is the charm?

When I say the "4th dimension" I'm referring to time. X, Y and Z let you know where something is -- but, since everything is moving at all times relative to something else, you can't really know a location without factoring for Time.

Anyway, as simple as I can put it; the "time gradient" results in gravity because things closest to a mass are slowed more than the parts of them (and space) that are further away from mass. If it overcomes their movement (inertia), they will get closer together.