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HobgoblinKhanate1 t1_jcvh2wh wrote

Isn’t this the same in every supermarket


WWCMD t1_jcvhxxb wrote

It’s not the case for Trader Joe’s


weremonkeys t1_jcx4wkr wrote

Because they got that vertical integration, they mostly sell their own products, I think that’s why they’re successful


Bubbasdahname t1_jcvh2u6 wrote

Yup! If you buy the product they are giving out samples for that day, they get commission from that sale. At least that was what one of the workers told me when I asked.


pulse14 t1_jcwbr05 wrote

Costco employees get relatively high pay and good benefits. The workers giving out samples don't.


taosk8r t1_jd056d5 wrote

I worked there for a while, only downside was the work wasnt at all regular, pretty random (and my mom happened to be the one doing the scheduling, even). The pay may not be fantastic, but the work is super easy. Also, it was independent contractor work, so no taxes or benefits. Back then the company was called Warehouse Demo Services, not sure if they have just been renamed, but it seems likely.


7loUge t1_jcwhft9 wrote

Is that why the sample lady doesn't say "I love you" like the large guy at the front door does? (too obscure?)


ArcticFlava t1_jcx0gt7 wrote

Hey... that's good. You sure you ain't the smartest guy in the world?


throwaway67318 t1_jd0s5lk wrote

Went to Costco this weekend. We walked in, I'm holding out my Costco card. The guy at the door "welcome to costco."

I couldn't help myself "I love you"

He busts out laughing "the time machine is back that way"


SeiCalros t1_jcwww2t wrote

a lot of the time the people who put up promotional displays at various department stores work for a separate company


ShesSoBored t1_jcvn07h wrote

And it's written in your member contract that you can essentially have as many free samples as you want (: I miss living near a Costco!


Tairo t1_jcwkdg8 wrote

I can attest to this! I worked at Costco for 13 years as a free samples hander-outer guy and we didn't ONCE work for the same company as Costco.


herpecin21 t1_jcy3gzy wrote

Wait until you find out that 1/3-1/2 of the shelving space at any grocery store is rented out to vendors.


thekidfromiowa t1_jcvvpys wrote

The chain I work for uses our own employers to man the sample stands in addition to third parties (I e. vendors).


gutterbrain73 t1_jcyzbib wrote

I love picking up the $.74 soda from the food court, then going around and enjoying all the samples. Cheap lunch!


srt2366 t1_jcwqg9i wrote

Consider yourself now over educated.
