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wwarnout t1_jef70vm wrote

Here's a fascinating video about Arabic numerals, and the Islamic golden age. For 4 centuries, the area now defined as Iraq and Iran was the center of intellectual wisdom. Then, a religious leader declared that numbers were the work of the devil - and that era died, never to return.


Echo71Niner t1_jef7i4m wrote

>religious leader declared that numbers were the work of the devil

Fun read here.


PT10 t1_jefc7nd wrote


Lunarvania t1_jefpi4e wrote

Excellent read, thank you. Had no idea this was even a misconception people had. It's really annoying how some atheist dude bros go out of their way to make religion and belief look bad when compared to science and rationalism, as if they did not and do not coexist peacefully. There is way more credible things to be critical abour.