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Charlielx t1_jdwb6jo wrote

Major religions affect everyone though, it's a huge part of the problems we're having in the US right now("Christianity" though primarily)


[deleted] t1_jdwe2ra wrote



Charlielx t1_jdwehvi wrote

> it’s manipulation of people that’s the problem rather than religion itself.

Hard disagree, religion is and always has been a means of control.


[deleted] t1_jdwghrk wrote



Charlielx t1_jdwhccp wrote

I don't think I would consider that a religion then, maybe personal spirituality. What would be the point though unless you're just making something new up for yourself? All major religions that currently exist have been endlessly corrupted since they were introduced, and their raw original forms would likely just have revealed how different society was back when they were created.


Doxbox49 t1_jdwbws2 wrote

But individuals that practice a religion on the space station while also doing their duties isn’t a fucking issue. The guy was accepted to work on the ISS and we are focusing on the fact he’s a Muslim who prays. Could be any religion though and people would still hate on it. This man probably worked his ass off for the chance but here we are, focusing on trivial shit
