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AngelZappin t1_jdut1tr wrote

Remember in the 90's when we all wanted to see his dick in that one music video?


WintertimeFriends t1_jdvykb9 wrote

I’m a straight dude and that image is still seared into my mind 30 years later.

Imaging having abs that influential?


dholm t1_jdwzgcx wrote

In "Back to the Future" on Black Messiah, he sings:

>So if you're wondering about the shape I'm in
I hope it ain't my abdomen that you're referring to

He's an incredible artist, and like all of us from time to time, he struggled with some mental health issues. However, instead of a serious conversation about depression and addiction (boooring), all of the media attention was on his body and his weight gain during his hiatus after the release of Voodoo.

So, for once I suppose I'm happy my abs haven't made me the object of lust for everyone coming of age in the 1990s.


The_Scarf_Ace t1_jdw254t wrote

Im sorry Im too young but what???