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t1_jd71zvs wrote

Does it not go by whoever gets top billing. Whoever is top on the list is the main actor and anyone underneath is supporting?


t1_jd74x8t wrote

The article mentions that in 1935 two actors were both nominated for best actor for the same film.


t1_jd9q8rr wrote

Who would the main character in superbad be? Seth or Evan?


t1_jdarj20 wrote

I think Seth because of the whole college thing. Evan seems more of a supporting role. Good question though, made me think haha.


t1_jd8y0b1 wrote

Judas and the Black Messiah nominated their two lead actors in the Best Supporting Actor category. Movie producers are ultimately the ones who make the call (and will slot their actors/actresses strategically to maximize the awards they can get).


t1_jd725zn wrote



t1_jd78yuy wrote

Or maybe because he’s the main character and not in a supporting role. And should Brando win over him he wants lose properly, nominated in the same category as him (the Godfather has 2 main characters . Instead of moving down to the supporting category, taking a supporting actor who deserved to win’s Oscar, taking a different actor’s nomination, and for the rest of time everyone thinking “Wow, did Pacino really move categories just to not lose to Brando and win one for himself…. what a bitch.”


t1_jd7901r wrote

Or maybe because he’s the main character and not in a supporting role. And should Brando win over him he wants lose properly, nominated in the same category as him (the Godfather has 2 main characters). Instead of moving down to the supporting category, taking a supporting actor who deserved to win’s Oscar, taking a different actor’s nomination, and for the rest of time everyone thinking “Wow, did Pacino really move categories just to not lose to Brando and win one for himself…. what a bitch.”


t1_jd7e6hc wrote



t1_jd7ijen wrote

What kind of take is this?

No he wasn't. It's not about winning or losing, it's about being respectful and recognising him as the main star of the movie - which he was.


t1_jd7p5jb wrote

You nominate for the Oscar you think you can win. It happens all the time. It's understandable that he wanted the bigger nomination but the other poster is correct that he had no chance against Brando.


t1_jdaxjq8 wrote

Dude it has nothing to do with winning.

I am a manager and I have support officers. I would be pissed off if I was taken out of the pool of other managers to be compared with for a prize or bonus or award. If someone said to me we'll put you in the support officers pool because you'll win I'd be pissed off.

I don't care if I don't win. I'd like to win but if someone has done more to earn it then so be it. What I do care about is being put forward for something less than I'm currently doing. That's insulting.

I'm not sure why you guys are so hung up about the winning thing, it's about being recognised for what you're doing/have done not about winning a prize.

Edit: looks like the other poster isn't right and agrees with me because he's deleted his comment lol


t1_jdba01k wrote

I would bet that most of the time if they are spending the large amount not of money it costs to campaign for an Oscar nomination they would want to win.

I'm not saying it's right to be nominated in the lower prestige category than the role you played, I'm just saying it's not uncommon.