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milo159 t1_jd3exlw wrote

Foam? Why not seawater? No shortage of salt water any time soon.


BoxingSoup t1_jd3scze wrote

Because salting the earth is almost as bad as a low, slow fire


zachzsg t1_jd4f7ak wrote

That’s why you get a contract to get rid of the salt water you used to get rid of the fire


feor1300 t1_jd5tda2 wrote

It's Australia, when they're done they can just tow the saltwater out of the environment.


milo159 t1_jd3spka wrote

Oh yeah, i forgot about that. Well eityer way fracking wouldn't work because it covers too small an area.


milo159 t1_jd3g16m wrote

Also fracking is pretty short-ranged as i understand it, damn inverse square law. If it were that small we could just comb the whole thing with enough people, the problem is that its a lot bigger than that.