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disneyvacafacts t1_jba6kps wrote

TIL our moon is the only moon named Moon.

That would be like if my daughter's name was daughter, but your daughter's name was Mona.


Jugales OP t1_jba9l32 wrote

Our solar system is named Solar System :)


SuperSimpleSam t1_jbajxme wrote

Because our sun is named Sol (or Helios).


disneyvacafacts t1_jbapowu wrote

Right, but our Sun is the only one. They are referred to as Stars in other Extrasolar Planetary Systems.


disneyvacafacts t1_jbap4yd wrote

Right, but our solar system is the only one. All other groups of planets revolving Suns are called Extrasolar Planetary Systems not Solar Systems.


herbw t1_jbau9mt wrote

Not so. Other stars can have their own solar systems. & the phrase can be more widely used than you imagine.


disneyvacafacts t1_jbb0ljb wrote

No, it's only used in scholarly papers to refer to our planet system.


dusto65 t1_jbb9h9x wrote

SOL-ar. We get the word solar from Sol. Using that logic, any other planetary system would be a star-ar system. Colloquially, sure, since we all get what you're saying, but to scientists, who love to "achtchually.." people, they need to be very technically correct


herbw t1_jbdobz4 wrote

Not really. You fail to see the bigger picture, Most All our knowledge is highly incomplete. We are not limited by too tight definitions and beliefs, either. Empirical, logical, practical, testing, checking always learning, growing, developing. That's what we do.


herbw t1_jbat7ch wrote

Luna more originally. Moon is English and was not here until very recently, Selene is the Greek name for the earth's sole moon, Luna is Latin, thus Lundi (Monday), Marti, Mercredi, Jeudi, Vendredi, Samedi, Dimanche.

Engish uses the Deutsch gods for days of week. Francais and Espagnol day names are very similar.

People need to get outside of their personal cultural mindsets now and then. The whole world and much larger Universe is NOT English. & surely not Americain,


dusto65 t1_jbb9nk0 wrote

The sole moon of one of Sol's moons?


herbw t1_jbdo4i1 wrote

Sol being our star has planets and those have moons. That's basic astronomy, which clearly most round here don't ken. By choice.